We finally find ourselves emerging from the forced isolation associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. We are focusing on renewing social connections, while remaining committed to staying safe and calm. It is disconcerting how behaviors, once second nature and not given a second thought, are feeling unfamiliar and maybe just a little bit uncomfortable.

Our ongoing coping behaviors and healthy routines will help us soldier through this transition more effectively, and perhaps with a greater sense of gratitude, grace and strength.

Talking about end-of-life issues is challenging under the best of circumstances; but, as always, information is power. It’s our hope that these resources offer some comfort and help during this time.

A new guide, specific to COVID-19, to assist with having the conversation, plus 18 resources on topics like “Help for Older Adults and Family Caregivers”, “Talk With Your Children” and “Discuss Care Wishes and What Matters Most”.

Grief River® COVID-19 Resources for Coping

From Life & Death partner, Dr. Thom Dennis: “In uncertain times, it seems essential to stop for a moment and consider those things that remain of which we are certain. Like, we will find a way to get through this. As a species, as a nation, as families, as individuals, we have dealt with difficult times in the past. In life, we have very little power over what happens to us, but how we respond to what happens remains squarely within our control. “

please check back, new resources will be added on a regular basis


Life & Death provides general educational information, some of which may come from mental health professionals, but you should not substitute information on the Life & Death or Resources’ websites for professional advice.