“The Conversation Project is dedicated to helping people talk about their wishes for end-of-life care. It is an initiative of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, a not-for-profit organization that is a leader in health and health care improvement worldwide.”

“End Well is dedicated to the belief that all people should experience the end of life in a way that matches their values and goals. When faced with issues of mortality, we often suffer needlessly for a variety of reasons, from cultural and clinical to matters of access. End Well brings together a multidisciplinary community that unites design, technology, health, policy and activist initiative to create a cultural shift to transform our thinking around the end of life.”

“The End of Life (eol) Collective is a community of care givers and care seekers gathered in one place to help you and your family through life’s most important time.”

“More than 35 million families have used Five Wishes to capture their wishes. Five Wishes has changed the way we talk about advance care planning by ensuring that it is not just an end of life planning tool, but the beginning of an important family conversation.”

grief & loss

“Modern Loss is a place to share the unspeakably taboo, unbelievably hilarious, and unexpectedly beautiful terrain of navigating your life after a death. Beginners welcome. This project grew out of two friends’ separate experiences with sudden loss, and their struggle to find resources that weren’t too clinical, overtly religious, patronizing or, frankly, cheesy.”

“To put it simply, this website is about grief.

That probably sounds oversimplified, but grief is a complex, heavy, frustrating, scary, enormous…ahem, big topic. It starts with a death and envelopes everyone from family to friends, to friends of family and friends. Not only is grief an emotional, logistical, and existential nightmare, but it is taxing. It requires us to navigate the world without someone important, deal with complex feelings and emotions, and figure out ways to move forward when everything seems kind of bleak.”


“The official line: I’m a research professor at the University of Houston where I hold the Huffington Foundation – Brené Brown Endowed Chair. I’ve spent the past two decades studying courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy….

The bottom line: I believe that you have to walk through vulnerability to get to courage, therefore . . . embrace the suck. I try to be grateful every day and my motto right now is ‘Courage over comfort.’”


The Unlocking Us podcast, featuring David Kessler and Brené on Grief and Finding Meaning

“At GLP, we create media, tools, programs and experiences that help you live a better life, then invite you into our community to find amazing friendships, inspiration and support. We’re on a quest to help you live a more meaningful, connected and vital life.

We also take a real world approach and tend to steer away from a lot of the pop-psychology proverbs that make you feel good for a hot minute, but don’t lead to lasting change. We’d rather lean on validated tools, strategies and practices that we know will make a real difference in your life. And, we’re all about building into the life you want in a gentler, more progressive way that honors the responsibilities, resources and constraints of life you’ve already built.”

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Life & Death provides general educational information, some of which may come from mental health professionals, but you should not substitute information on the Life & Death or Resources’ websites for professional advice.